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Documents for AP English Literature teachers
Exam Free-Response Prompts
Links for AP Engilsh Literature teachers
AP Central
Mary Filak's AP English Literature Hotlist
Conni Shelnut's AP English Literature downloads
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Boyd's Wiki Pages:
AP English Literature & Composition
Gifted English 10: World Literature & Composition
Gifted English 9: Literature & Composition
Links for Parents and Students:
I-Parent & I-Student
SHS Home Page
RCPS District Portal
Georgia Performance Standards
Links for Students:
ePals (_______@salemhs.epals.com)
ePals SchoolBlog
Curriculum Pathways
Holt online textbook
Merriam-Webster online dictionary
Online Etymology Dictionary
Purdue Online Writing Lab
QUIA learning activities
MLA format (Word2007, Word2003, MLA citation examples, Citation Machine)
Cornell Notes (PowerPoint, summary, abbreviations & symbols, template)
Resources for teachers:
AP English Literature exam resources
Professional Learning for RCPS ELA teachers
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