AP English Literature and Composition
Page history
last edited
by Lisa Boyd 13 years, 9 months ago

AP English 12 Course Information and Documents:
- Course description, College Board standards, and syllabi
- Vocabulary: tone lists 1-10, tone lists 11-20, and QUIA review games
- Poetry notes: Everything You Need to Know about Poetry, 10 Easy Lessons in How to Read Poetry, theme statements, tonal scale, scansion, rhythm & meter, imagery examples, Poetry.org glossary, poetry types to KNOW, ballad, ballad PPT, common meter, dramatic monologue, elegy PPT, epic PPT, free verse PPT, ode, satire PPT, sonnet, sonnet PPT, villanelle, villanelle PPT, other poetry concepts
- Literary terminology: Bedford/St. Martin's glossary, Dr. Kip Wheeler's literary vocabulary, character, characterization, point of view, organizational structure
- Literary analysis: literary analysis basics, evidence triangle, using quotations as evidence
- AP Exam information: exam basics & MC strategy; timed-writing basics; timed-writing tips; Question 3 suggested titles; Ten Commandments of the AP Examination
- Feedback: Boyd's writing marks, rubric for literary analysis, rubric for timed AP essays
Unit 5
Family, Sanity, & Sacrifice: Connection and Isolation between the Self and Society
Essential Questions:
- online text: Hamlet, As I Lay Dying
Week of 21 March 2011
Week of 28 March 2011
Week of 11 April 2011
Week of 18 April 2011
Week of 25 April 2011
- 04/26-27/11 As I Lay Dying pages 47-179 DUE
- 04/26-27/11 AP ENG LIT PRACTICE EXAM part 2
- 04/26-27/11 Hamlet project DUE (assessment options)
- 04/28-29/11 As I Lay Dying pages 180-261 DUE
- 04/28-29/11 major work of choice analysis questions for AP Lit Exam review DUE (instructions; open free-response prompts)
- 04/30/11 AP ENG LIT PRACTICE EXAM (1:00-4:00); AP Exam survival kit (explanations of items)
Week of 2 May 2011
- AP exam review activites: thesis statements, prompt annotation, comparison poetry prompts, multiple-choice practice and strategies, open prompt pledge, tone vocabulary (tone lists 1-10, tone lists 11-20)
- 05/02-03/11 As I Lay Dying analysis questions for AP Lit Exam review DUE (instructions; open free-response prompts)
Weeks of 9 and 16 May 2011
- Unit 1
Facade: What Lies Beneath the Surface
- Unit 2
Quest for Identity: the Individual defined in Society
Unit 3
Destiny: the Individual shaped by Heredity and Environment
Unit 4
Truth and Lies: the Thin Line Between Civilization and Savagery
Unit 5 Family, Sanity, & Sacrifice: Connection and Isolation between the Self and Society
AP English Literature and Composition
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