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AP Lit Unit 4
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by Lisa Boyd 13 years, 6 months ago
Unit 4
Truth and Lies: the Thin Line Between Civilization and Savagery
Essential Questions:
- Why is civilization important, and what factors support or destroy its fabric?
- In the face of the savage reality of human behavior, why do people continue to pursue the concept of civilization?
- What are the positive and negative aspects of chaos and order?
- Do absolute or universal truths exist? How does perspective shape or alter truth?
- How does the individual face his or her own savagery and hypocrisy?
- What is the truth of the darkness at the heart of civilization and the civilized human being?
Week of 3 January 2011
Week of 10 January 2011
- School closed due to snow
Week of 17 January 2011
- Heart of Darkness reading and discussion (analysis and vocabulary assignment)
- introduction to Poetry Out Loud assignment (POL website, instructions)
- poetry lecture (poetry types to KNOW, ballad, ballad PPT, common meter, dramatic monologue, elegy PPT, epic PPT, free verse PPT, ode, satire PPT, sonnet, sonnet PPT, villanelle, villanelle PPT, other poetry concepts)
- tone vocabulary group 13
Week of 24 January 2011
Week of 31 January 2011
Week of 7 February 2011
Week of 14 February 2011
- Heart of Darkness chapter 3 AP-Exam multiple-choice questions
- AP Exam mutliple-choice strategies and practice
- AP Exam prose and poetry analysis strategies and practice
- AP Exam timed essay practice
- 02/17-18/11 Poetry Out Loud annotation, explication, and personal response DUE (POL website, instructions)
Week of 21 February 2011
Week of 7 March 2011
- AP Exam poetry prompt analysis: Eros poems
- distribution of Heart of Darkness Socratic seminar organizer and poetry
- 03/09-10/11 tone vocabulary groups 11-16 application DUE (assignment, tone vocabulary 11-20)
- 03/09-10/11 Heart of Darkness analysis questions DUE (analysis and vocabulary assignment)
- 03/10-11/11 in-class AP Exam timed-writing (Eros poems compare-contrast prompt and prose prompt)
Week of 14 March 2011
- preparation for Heart of Darkness Socratic seminar
- 03/16-17/11 Heart of Darkness Socratic seminar
- 03/17-18/11 poetry response 2 DUE (instructions, poetry packet)
AP Lit Unit 4
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